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Assessments & CurriculumAssessments & Curriculum
Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy
School ReadinessSchool Readiness

STAR Read-Aloud Practices are designed to develop and strengthen young children’s awareness of and knowledge about print. They utilize evidence-based reading techniques developed from years of research.

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Peer Reviewed Article
Practitioner Resource
Assessments & CurriculumAssessments & Curriculum
Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy

A practitioner-friendly, scientifically based curricular supplement designed to develop and strengthen young children’s early foundations in language and literacy. Lessons are organized around adult-child readings of high-quality storybooks and supplement – not replace – an educator’s instruction. It is widely used in early childhood programs in the United States and internationally.

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Practitioner Resource
Assessments & CurriculumAssessments & Curriculum

SABR measured the quality of teacher behaviors during shared book-reading sessions. In this four-year study, the tool was revised to improve training materials and scoring protocols at no cost online.

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Assessments & CurriculumAssessments & Curriculum
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy

1,200 children in four states were followed longitudinally over five years in a LAARC study designed to substantially increase our understanding of language- and reading-comprehension development for children from pre-kindergarten to third grade. During the study, the LARRC team also developed a 25-week curriculum supplement designed to improve language skills to improve reading comprehension.

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