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Students cannot benefit from the resources and supports schools provide if those students do not show up. And in far too many schools, children are regularly missing class. Chronic absenteeism [...]
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Practitioner Resource
School DisciplineSchool Discipline

While a substantial correlation was found between being a Black male and receiving a suspension from school, no significant correlation exists between Black boys’ Body Mass Index and suspension. This finding contrasts with the situation for non-Black students, who are more likely to face suspension if their Body Mass Index is large.

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Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy

How are teachers displaying items with writing on them — the physical literacy environment, an important factor shaping children’s emergent literacy skills — when students of different ages share the same preschool classroom? That’s what Crane researchers sought to find out.

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Assessments & CurriculumAssessments & Curriculum
School ReadinessSchool Readiness

Practitioners at The Ohio State University’s A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning developed the Kindergarten Screening Assessment (KSA) as a tool to measure kindergarten readiness in a way that is also relatable for parents and families.

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Practitioner Resource
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy
School ReadinessSchool Readiness

Get 8 tips for families on making the most of the time spent reading with your young child.

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Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
School ReadinessSchool Readiness

A research brief sharing our new model to support children’s kindergarten transition.

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Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy

A research brief on the organization of early learning classroom environments to support early literacy skills.

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Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
School ReadinessSchool Readiness

This brief highlights A. Sophie Roger’s kindergarten transition practices that ensure a successful transition for children, following Dr. Robert Pianta’s and Dr. Sara Rimm-Kaufmann’s framework.

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Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education
Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy

This brief examines the support and needs for teachers of dual-language learners. The brief also makes recommendations for early childhood teachers and administrators.

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Health & Well-BeingHealth & Well-Being
School ReadinessSchool Readiness

Help students increase their attendance at school with these quick tips from our experts that are based on research evidence and offer resources to guide you.

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Practitioner Resource
Health & Well-BeingHealth & Well-Being

Learn how to help keep your child’s absences from school to a minimum (and help their learning progress) with these quick tips from our experts that are based in research.

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Health & Well-BeingHealth & Well-Being

Dr. Ansari wrote a research brief which breaks down the full body of research on the topic of absenteeism in a short digestible format.

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Practitioner Resource
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