How our work is making a difference
The Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy is a multidisciplinary research center dedicated to conducting high-quality research that improves children’s learning and development at home, in school and in the community.
Our Work
Our work ranges from multi-year, federally funded projects that examine outcomes of
thousands of children and families, to program evaluation work in our state, to smaller scale analyses and briefs
meant to inform policy makers and practitioners.
Recent News
This week in Tuned In: Taxing tobacco to pay for an Ohio Child Tax Credit, celebrating 32 years of FMLA, and the Ohio Department of Health wants to hear from child care and child health professionals.
Four faculty members connected to the Crane Center have been chosen for Ohio State’s 2025 Growing Research Opportunities (GRO) Academy, a professional development program to enrich their skills at leading interdisciplinary research teams.
The 2024 Impact Report highlights the strides made toward building equitable opportunities for all children to learn and thrive and the collective power when research, policy, and practice connect.
During the February Crane Research Forum, Dr. Brett Zyromski discussed ways to buffer against the impact of childhood trauma.