Research Highlight: August 2023

A magnifying glass and a ballpoint pen rest on top of a sheet of paper with various colorful bar graphs and pie charts.

Differences in preschool language exposure for dual language learners 

Children who are learning more than one language, or dual language learners, are a growing population in the United States. During early childhood, these young learners are often using English in the classroom setting while speaking another language at home. This new study looked at language exposure in preschool classrooms and how experiences differ between dual language learners and children who speak only English (monolingual learners). In comparing the experience of 19 dual language learners and 13 monolingual learners in a single classroom, findings showed that dual language learners spoke just as much as monolingual learners. However, dual language learners received less adult-directed talk than their peers. The findings suggest a need to provide a more equitable environment for dual language learners in early childhood classrooms. Dr. Choi also authored a brief discussing this research that you can read here. 

Crane author:

Dr. Ji-Young Choi