IN THE NEWS: September 2023

A stack of newspapers

Kindergarten readiness in Franklin County

The Columbus Dispatch reported on kindergarten readiness in Franklin County and consulted Crane’s associate director of policy and external affairs, Jamie O’Leary on how public investment in early childhood education can impact children’s brain development.

Calling for greater state investments in child care

O’Leary and Crane’s executive director Dr. Laura Justice wrote an op-ed in describing the importance of Ohio’s recent change from the term “day care” to “child care.” They elaborate further on the work that still remains in recognizing the importance of early childhood development and the teachers that educate young learners. Citing this opinion piece, also called on Ohio to continue making broader investments in quality and affordable child care.

Raising child care reimbursement rates

O’Leary also spoke with and Youngstown’s Channel 21 about the federal government’s requirement that Ohio increase reimbursement rates for early childhood programs that provide publicly funded child care slots to families.