Crane researchers recognized for their leadership and impact in the field
This summer Crane executive director Dr. Laura Justice and Crane faculty associate Dr. Shayne Piasta were each awarded top honors for their respective work in research impacting children’s well-being.
Dr. Justice was selected as an awardee of the Khalifa international Award for Early Learning in Abu Dhabi. This award is given to researchers whose work improves practice through innovative solutions, discovers new insights into learning and teaching, or enriches the evidence base for policy and practice. In selecting the recipients of this award, nominees’ research is judged on four criteria: innovativeness, importance, methodological rigor, and impact. (You can see Dr. Justice receive her award here, around minute 19 of the video.)
Dr. Piasta was selected for the inaugural Carol Connor Mid-Career Award from the Scientific Study of Reading at this year’s conference in Australia. This award is given to active researchers with a distinguished record over time and who has helped advance the science of reading. In selecting the award recipient, nominees may also be evaluated for how their work enhances public understanding of reading research, fosters links with other disciplines, or stimulates young researchers. Especially significant to being selected for this award is that Dr. Carol Conner was a mentor to Dr. Piasta and they co-authored Dr. Piasta’s first published journal article together. OSU’s College of Education and Human Ecology highlighted the work that Dr. Piasta is renowned for as well as how it has directly shaped the field of early childhood literacy practices. Read it here.