A magnifying glass and a ballpoint pen rest on top of a sheet of paper with various colorful bar graphs and pie charts.

The Great Recession’s impact on children’s mental health

More and more children have been diagnosed in recent years with mental health conditions. A new study published in the Journal of Human Resources investigates the relationship between loss of household income during the 2008 recession and youth mental health in British Columbia. Researchers analyzed school administrative datasets indicating mental health concerns and parental tax records. Results show that new, in-school designations of mental health disorders increased by 0.5 percentage points during the recession among children in families that experienced a loss of income. By 2013, youth mental health designations had increased by 20% from the pre-recession averages. Children under 10-years-old seemed to be particularly affected. Girls also experienced a higher rate of increase of mental health designations than boys.

Crane author:

Dr. Lauren Jones