
Collaborating Researchers & Educators Apply Technology to Establish Evidence-Based Practices (CREATE-EBP)

A teacher engages group of young children in learning the alphabet using a tablet computer and surrounded by colorful educational tools in lively classroom environment.
In this multiple methods, community-engaged project, we leverage advancements in technology to develop an innovative approach to accelerate testing and translation of generalizable evidence-based practices (EBPs) in education. This pilot test will look at alphabet learning.

Black Boys, Body Size, and School Suspension: Implications for school policymakers

A smiling, teenage boy faces the camera wearing a white, short-sleeved, broadcloth shirt over an olive t-shirt. Blue straps to support a backpack appear around his shoulders, and he is holding a mobile phone in his right hand.
While a substantial correlation was found between being a Black male and receiving a suspension from school, no significant correlation exists between Black boys’ Body Mass Index and suspension. This finding contrasts with the situation for non-Black students, who are more likely to face suspension if their Body Mass Index is large.

The Kindergarten Screening Assessment: A case study on developing an accessible tool for teachers and parents

A young girl uses her right hand to place a variety of small, colorful objects onto a piece of yellow construction paper cut into the shape of a rabbit head.
Practitioners at The Ohio State University’s A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning developed the Kindergarten Screening Assessment (KSA) as a tool to measure kindergarten readiness in a way that is also relatable for parents and families.

Read Together, Grow Together

Get 8 tips for families on making the most of the time spent reading with your young child.

Kindergarten Transitions: Examples from the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning

Children doing math on a chalk board with adult present.
This brief highlights A. Sophie Roger's kindergarten transition practices that ensure a successful transition for children, following Dr. Robert Pianta’s and Dr. Sara Rimm-Kaufmann's framework.

School attendance matters: Research insights for K-12 schools and their staff

Help students increase their attendance at school with these quick tips from our experts that are based on research evidence and offer resources to guide you.

School attendance matters: Parent resource

Learn how to help keep your child's absences from school to a minimum (and help their learning progress) with these quick tips from our experts that are based in research.

Absenteeism in Elementary School Has Wide-Ranging Consequences, Especially for Minoritized Children

Dr. Ansari wrote a research brief which breaks down the full body of research on the topic of absenteeism in a short digestible format.

Big Little Leap: The role of transition difficulties in children’s skill development during kindergarten

Research brief examining the role of transition difficulties in children's skill development during kindergarten.

Transition to Kindergarten

kid drawing in classroom
Support young children during their transition to kindergarten through these resources for researchers, parents, and providers.