
Black Boys, Body Size, and School Suspension: Implications for school policymakers

A smiling, teenage boy faces the camera wearing a white, short-sleeved, broadcloth shirt over an olive t-shirt. Blue straps to support a backpack appear around his shoulders, and he is holding a mobile phone in his right hand.
While a substantial correlation was found between being a Black male and receiving a suspension from school, no significant correlation exists between Black boys’ Body Mass Index and suspension. This finding contrasts with the situation for non-Black students, who are more likely to face suspension if their Body Mass Index is large.

Listening to Head Start teachers working with dual language learners in multilingual classrooms

Classroom with three care givers, each with a child. The people are surrounded by toys, instruments, and letters.
This brief examines the support and needs for teachers of dual-language learners. The brief also makes recommendations for early childhood teachers and administrators.

Transitioning to Kindergarten

The transition from preschool to kindergarten presents several unique challenges including heightened anxiety. To make the transition easier, teachers and parents can work collaboratively to support children with these tips.