Research Highlights: April 2022

Recognizing Crane Researchers

Our director of research Dr. Rebecca Dore and faculty affiliate Dr. Alex Bonus were granted a BETHA award to work with COSI on a project that will incorporate engineering into educational television.

Tax credits beneficial to women’s long-term health

Crane Author

Dr. Lauren Jones

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is the largest anti-poverty program in the United States. Countless research shows that the EITC lifted families out of poverty, supported parents’ ability to work, and improved educational and health outcomes for children. This study used a national dataset to explore long-term effects of the EITC on women’s health. Results showed improvement in long-term health through changes in labor force participation, health insurance coverage, and weight control.

The link between child care and higher education enrollment

Crane Authors

Dr. Arya Ansari

This study looked at babies born in the 1990’s in Canada who were enrolled in informal or formal child care settings. Twenty years later, children that attended informal care were more likely to enroll in higher education. However, attending formal child care increased the likelihood that children experiencing poverty would enroll in higher education later as an adult.