
Black Boys, Body Size, and School Suspension: Implications for school policymakers

A smiling, teenage boy faces the camera wearing a white, short-sleeved, broadcloth shirt over an olive t-shirt. Blue straps to support a backpack appear around his shoulders, and he is holding a mobile phone in his right hand.
While a substantial correlation was found between being a Black male and receiving a suspension from school, no significant correlation exists between Black boys’ Body Mass Index and suspension. This finding contrasts with the situation for non-Black students, who are more likely to face suspension if their Body Mass Index is large.

Expanding access to pre-primary education around the world

The Riveting Research blog series is a succinct summary of a new study with compelling design and implications. This week's blog examines Ethiopia's approach to rapidly expanding access to universal early education.

Kids in Columbus Study (KICS)

Kids in Columbus Study (KICS) investigates how families with young children, specifically those living in low-income households, access and use community resources that are funded each year by the city of Columbus.

Franklin County Early Care and Education Landscape Study

The Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy is partnering with the City of Columbus and Future Ready Columbus to conduct a study on the Early Care and Education Landscape in Franklin County (“Landscape Study”). The Landscape Study aims to identify salient early care and education experiences for children under the age of five in Franklin County. This includes participation in formal and informal care arrangements, caregiver beliefs and practices, and home learning activities and experience. The study also hopes to identify barriers and enablers to early care and education for families in the Columbus area.

“Don’t Look Away” book study with Schoenbaum Family Center

A survey taken by early-childhood professionals demonstrated that educators, on average, are moderately racially conscious, meaning they understand that children of color experience racism. The "Don't Look Away" book study sought to address issues of bias and increase awareness around anti-bias practices within the classroom. This white paper research shows an increase in posttest data from the baseline after participants completed the study.

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT: Closing the research-to-practice gap in early childhood special education classrooms

This Crane study examines the persisting research-to-practice gap for teachers in early childhood special education classrooms, specifically for children with autism spectrum disorder. Read more about the study’s findings and ideas on how to close this gap.

CCAMPIS: Child Care Access Means Parents In School

The Crane Center partners with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion in an ongoing research project geared toward understanding the experiences and challenges of student parents and identifying their needs as students navigating universities.

It’s a struggle: Transitioning children into kindergarten

A recent questionnaire surveying kindergarten teachers found that a majority (72%) said children had difficulty in the transition to kindergarten, with boys and children with IEPs more likely to have difficulty. This white paper shares research about children's kindergarten transitions and key recommendations for policymakers, researchers and practitioners.

Childhood-related policy hopes for 2021

Our policy team shares four things that they will be paying attention to in 2021 regarding early childhood policy. They are careful to note, these are not* predictions (after what 2020 taught us about making predictions for the year).

Going to College with Kids: Understanding the campus climate for parenting students

This white paper shares valuable insights and perceptions from student parents, documenting their experiences regarding their campus climate, as well as share ideas and recommendations for improving campuses for this growing student population.