About the Project
Each year the city of Columbus invests nearly $18 million in community resources that support families living in low-income households. The goal of these investments is to improve health and well-being outcomes for children, but the impact of this investment was unclear. There had not been a long-term study on the kinds of community resources that are accessed and used in Franklin County, Ohio.
To increase the efficacy of this investment, the Crane Center partnered with Columbus Public Health and Women, Infant, and Children to learn more about how families with young children who live in low socio-economic households use and access community resources. Specifically, they studied:
- How families get access to community-based resources.
- Which types of services they access (e.g., health, housing, parenting) and when they access these services (e.g., first year of a child’s life, preschool years).
- Which combination of services are accessed and used together.
- Profiles of families who are successful in accessing and using the services available to them.
- Where services are located and how the location of services impacts their use.
- The impact of service use on children’s health and well-being over the first five years of life.

KICS research was published in several peer-reviewed journals including:
Maternal and Child Health Journal – Conditions of Poverty, Parent–Child Interactions, and Toddlers’ Early Language Skills in Low-Income Families
Applied Psychology: Health & Well-Being – Food Insecurity and Depression among Economically Disadvantaged Mothers: Does Maternal Efficacy Matter?
Maternal and Child Health Journal – Neighborhood Influences on Perceived Social Support and Parenting Behaviors
Clinical Pediatrics – Exposure to Environmental Toxicants and Early Language Development for Children Reared in Low-Income Households

KICS was also featured in the following media:
Neuroscience News – Household chemical use linked to child language delays
Science Daily – Household chemical use linked to child language delays
Columbus Monthly – An Ohio State Study Sheds Light on Kids Being Left Behind

This work was supported in part by the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy of The Ohio State University, The Ohio State University College of Nursing, The Jonas Foundation, Sigma Theta Tau-Epsilon Chapter, The Ohio State University Graduate School, Ohio Nurses Foundation, the Institute for Population Research (IPR) at The Ohio State University, the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) who supported IPR (grant number P2CHD058484), and the National Institute of Nursing Research of the National Institutes of Health (grant numbers F31NR017103 and T32NR014225).
Meet the Project Team

Jaclyn Dynia, PhD